School Time Cans

Before the publication of “Living a Life of Tin Can Moments,” the School Time Can process was tested in the author’s hometown with the Superintendent of School’s indorsement. The results were far better than we had planned! You can read more about the development and impact of this process in the book and in the description below. It’s important for each school to design their school can. We help the school pick a design and then our team created the can. Below are pictures of the first School Time Cans created, from beginning to end. The design went beyond what is shown below in that each student got to select from many different add-ons to make their individual can special. The school Principal and teachers also wanted a special can for the school mascot. They got it!

While attitude cannot be measured, behavior can. The School Time Can process directly affected the attitude of students, teachers, aides, and all other individuals involved in the education process. Most important, our process included the parents! Measurements to the end results proved an incredible improvement in student behavior, and the feedback forms from parents were priceless! 

After the 90-day rating period, the teachers and staff provided the following feedback:

  1. Did you feel the School Time Can process had a positive impact on your students? YES = 90%
  2. Does your class plan to continue using this process in future years? YES = 100%

The school principal sent information home to all parents at the beginning of the rating period explaining the School Time Can process in which students would participate during their Social Skills class. At the end of the rating period, students brought home their School Time Can results and the parents were given the opportunity to report back to the principal. Here are the parent’s ratings and comments:

  1. Do you feel it is beneficial for your child to write down a positive he/she had each day? YES = 93%
  2. Would you like the school to continue this activity second semester? YES = 93%

The parents were asked to leave any comments about the School Time Can process. Here are a few:

  • Love these [notes].”
  • “Great idea! Will continue this at home!”
  • “I believe that this activity is a great idea!”
  • “As my son generally has bad times or feels low about himself, this activity can help remind him of the good times. Every child needs more good memories that help them realize how wonderful they are.”
  • “I think this idea is amazing. It will help keep the kids to be positive.”
  • “I really love this idea for the students. I asked my child about this, and he was excited to tell me about it.”
  • “I believe it’s a valuable activity to help with self-esteem.”
  • “This is a wonderful, positive enforcement procedure.”
  • “Great idea to teach expressing himself.”
  • “I love the idea.”
  • “She is going to be better at spelling than her dad! She is doing great. Whatever you are doing, keep it up! Thank you so much.”
  • “I feel it is a good idea; however, I believe they should be encouraged to put deeper/stronger thought into it.”
  • “I think that it helped him to go back and read the notes He said that he enjoyed the activity.”
  • “This process helped my child to reflect reasons why they did good on a specific day.”
  • “I hope one or two students can remember that they can have a good day by following rules and carry out by trying harder.”
  • “I think that this is a wonderful thing. It is teaching them to express themselves in society.”
  • “Please keep this activity going for the children. It is teaching them positivity and social skills to use in life when they are older. Thank you.”

NOTE:  Must add that one parent thought the process was a total waste of time.

School Time Can Info Request

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